
Anatomy Department

• Anatomy, being truly basic subject, forms the foundation for clinical medicine. The approach to anatomy, therefore, deserves careful attention. Further, each and every subdivision of anatomy is expanding rapidly.
• The anatomy also provides an overview of the very early development of human starting from gametogenesis going through the different embryonic stages.
• As a practising doctor one has to remember the anatomy that he/she has learnt for doing any clinical procedure or therapeutic intervention.
• Not only a surgeon but also physician must be well acknowledged with comprehensive details of Anatomy.
• The Department renders a basic foundation by providing sound knowledge of each and every structure of the human body
• The Department gives training to 1st year students on the human body itself (cadaveric study). Along with the latest advanced knowledge of anatomy.
• Students are also made aware regarding professional ethics and conducts.
• The Department deals with the Dissection techniques and microscopic anatomy that is histology.
• The Department also deals with teaching related developmental anatomy, osteology and genetics.


1) To impart a strong conceptual and relevant factual grounding to undergraduate students taking the anatomy course
2) To strive for excellence in the Anatomy Teaching Programmes
3) To achieve international recognition for research
4) To create an intellectually vibrant environment within the department
5) To foster a strong sense of belonging among staff and past and present students
6) To train the students to be COMPETENT, COMPSSSIONATE and CONFIDENT doctor to meet the health care delivery needs of the society.

General Objectives.

1) To have a sound knowledge of the basic human body structure , with a general overview of body systems to comprehend the Medical profession.
2) To have a sound basic knowledge of the general human development and major birth defects and abnormalities.
3) To develop Surgical skill (with the help of Cadaveric dissection).

Methods of Teaching:

1) Lectures - are interactive sessions to have a General overview of the objectives and discuss certain areas.
2) Practical / Dissection - Microanatomy practicals and Cadaveric dissection
3) Small group teaching/Discussion
4) Demonstration
5) Seminars
6) Tutorials

Attendance Policy:

The student is expected to attend all classes and lab sessions.

Best Practices

• Feedback from students on teaching is taken
• Development of teaching material.
• Assignments are assigned to student for progress in result.
• Discussion on various topics on daily basis
. • Conduction of Extra classes , test and discussion for weak students

Programmes Offered

The department undertakes the training of first year MBBS students in Anatomy and its various sub-divisions and allied fields.
It also undertakes responsibility for training, in Human Anatomy of the students taking the BDS courses of the ACPM DENTAL COLLEGE, which is allied to the our institute. It also trains students of our Nursing College.


Dissection Hall
Microanatomy Laboratory
Laboratory for Clinical Skills & Research
Departmental Libraries
Guest Lectures

Dissection Hall

The dissection hall, named RENDEZVOUS, is located in the east wing of the department. It has 15 dissection tables on which the cadavers are placed and dissected. Each table is provided with electrical connections. The preparation room beside the dissection hall has tanks for storing the cadavers and cadaveric parts. It also has “bone and meat cutting machine” for sectioning the cadaver for teaching sectional anatomy.

Microanatomy Laboratory

This laboratory is located in the north wing. It has tables with illumination facility and compound light microscopes for the study of microanatomy of tissues. Capacity of the laboratory is of 60 students.


It has excellent dry and wet specimens prepared over the years under the guidance of successive departmental heads, as also, specimens made by students and staff. The specimens are housed in various sections – Gross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Embryology, Sectional Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy.


Anatomy Department




Date of Joining


Dr.Gopal Bagal

Prof & Head



Dr.Shahin Kazi




Dr.Roopali Nikumbh




Dr.Patil Mahendra




Dr. Agrawal Porushottam




Dr. Patil Mahesh




Dr. Sonawane Rahul




Dr. Gopal Bagal

1. A cadaveric study on division of brachial artery with its embryological basis and clinical significance, JMSCR,Vol.3,Issue 12, Page 8708-8712.
2. A study of variations of the recti muscles of the eyeball in cadavers. IJETSTVol.2, Issue 6, Page 2726 -2733.
3. A study on variations of levator palpebrae superioris Muscle with its embryological basis and cilinical significance. JMSCR, Vol.4, Issue 1,Page 8927-8932
4. Sex determination from the upper end & length of the femur: A morphometric study. JMSCR, Vol.4, Issue 2, Page 9257-9261.
5. Sex determination from the clavicle. JMSCR, Vol.3, Issue 6,Page 11162-11165.
6. Case:Bilateral accessory renal arteries. JMSCR, Vol.3,Issue 8
7. Anomalous origin of the left vertebral artery : case report. Bio med, Vol 6, Issue 3,Page 5191-5193
8. Accessory palmaris longus muscle: An unusual variation. Vol 15, Issue 2.Page 236-237
9. Origin of inferior phrenc arteries from coeliac trunk: case report. Vol 16, Issue 1,Page 217-220

Dr.Shahin Kazi

1. Histology and cytogenetic study of chronic villus tissue in first trimester abortion, IJPB, Vol 4,Issue 4,Oct 13.
2. Cytogenetics analysis from mid trimesteramniotic fluidculture – technical aspect. RJPBCS, Vol 8, Issue 2, 2014.
3. A cytogenetic study of chromosomal abnormalities in first trimester abortions in different maternal age group.NJCA,vol.6,issue 3, Jul2017. Dr.Kazi
4. The comparison and evaluation of carrying angle of elbow with anthropometric measurements in both sexes,IJAR,Vol5,Issue 4,Dec17
5. Effects of different grades of PIH on pregnancy outcome.IJAR, Vol.5, Issue 4, Dec 17
6. Correlation of Histologyof placenta with fetal outcome in pregnancy induced hypertension.NJCA, Vol 7Issue1,Jan 18.
7. Gross anatomy of the Horshoe kidney ; case report with brief review of literature. EJA, Vol8, Issue 2,2014.

Dr.Roopali Nikumbh

1. Roopali D. Nikumbh, Dhiraj B. Nikumbh, Megha A. Doshi, Manohar N Ugadhe. Morphometric study of the supracondylar process of the humerus with its clinical utility. International Jr of Anatomy and Research (IJAR) 2016;4(1):1941-1944. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.117
2. Roopali D. Nikumbh, Dhiraj B. Nikumbh, Sudhir Singhavi. Histological and embryonic overview of sacrococcygeal teratoma: a six year retrospective study. International Jr of Anatomy and Research (Int J Anat Res) 2016;4(1):2108-2113. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.156
3. Roopali D.Nikumbh, Dhiraj B.Nikumbh, B.N.Umarji .Mucin Histochemical Study of the Colon in Normal and Malignant Lesions. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 2012. Vol.2; Issue: 7:20-32.
4. Roopali D.Nikumbh, Nikumbh DB, Karambelkar RR et. al. Morphological study of hypoglossal canal and its anatomical variation. Int J Health Sci Res. 2013; 3(6):54-58.
5. D B Nikumbh, Roopali D Nikumbh,V D Dombale,S V Jagtap,S R Desai. Cervicovaginal cytology: clinicopathological and social aspect of cervical cancer screening in rural (Maharashtra) India. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research.2012;1(2):125-132
6. Roopali D.Nikumbh, Anjali N Wanjari, Dhiraj B.Nikumbh.Morphological Study of Sacralisation of Fifth Lumbar Vertebra and Its Clinical Relevance.Indian Jr of Anatomy.2017:6(2):119-125
7. Roopali D Nikumbh, Dhiraj B Nikumbh, Anjali N Wanjari Morphological Variations of The Suprascapular Notch: Clinical Relevance In Suprascapular Neuropathy Vis -a-Vis Ossified Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament. International Jr of Anatomy and Research (Int J Anat Res) 2017.5(3.1):4168-72.
8. Roopali D Nikumbh, Anjali N Wanjari , Dhiraj B Nikumbh. Anatomical Variants of Foramen Transversarium in Dried Cervical Vertebrae and Its Applied Importance. Indian Jr of Anatomy. 2017:6(3):350-55.
9. Book authorized, titled as “Mucin histochemistry of the colon in normal and malignant lesions.”BY LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-05-10) . ISBN- 978-3-8484-2744-4. [GERMANY].
10. Roopali D.Nikumbh, Shahin Kazi, Manohar N. Ughade. Gross Anatomy of the Horseshoe kidney: A Case Report with Brief Review of Literature. European Journal of Anatomy. 18 (2): 128-131 (2014).
11. Roopali D. Nikumbh, Dhiraj B. Nikumbh, Megha A. Doshi. Multiple morphological variations in the thyroid gland: report of two cases. International Jr of Anatomy and Research (Int J Anat Res). 2015;3(4):1476-1480. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.269
12. R R Karambelkar, Roopali D.Nikumbh, D B Nikumbh, A D Shewale. Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia-Inferior Ectopia Type: A Rare Case Report with Brief Review of Literature. The Journal of Anatomy. Photon 113 (2013) 127-129 Case Study. ISJN: 2385-4732.

Dr. Roopali Nikumbh;

Editorial board member and reviewer of 5 international medical journals and reviewed 10 articles.

Dr.Gopal Bagal

1) 54th NATCON ASI at GMC, Nagpur in 2006
2) MAPCON – 2011, 24-25 Sept, ACPM MC Dhule.
3) STONECON – 2012, 14 -15 July 2012 , ACPM MC Dhule
4) RMOACON – 2013, 16-17 March 2013, ACPM MC Dhule.
5) MAHACON – 2014, 19-20 Sep, NKP Salve MC, Nagpur.
6) MAHACON – 2017, 15-16 Sept, MGM Mumbai.

Dr.Shahin Kazi

1) MAHACON IV- 2017, 15 – 16 September 2017. MGM Medical College, Mumbai
2) MAHACON, at NKP Salve Medical College, Nagpur.

Dr.Roopali Nikumbh

1. Mucin histochemistry of the colon and rectum in normal and malignant lesions. 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference, KIMSDU, 2012.
2. A Rare Case Study : Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia-Inferior Ectopia Type: International Conference of Anatomy(Webinar),2016.
3.1st State conference of Anatomy ,MAHACON –I,2014,Nagpur
4.4th State conference of Anatomy ,MAHACON –IV,2017,Navi Mumbai.
6.Unmesh, Multidisciplinary conference ,IMA,Dhule,2013 and 2014


Book library
The department has a collection of books and journals. The latest editions of books are in the reference section. Books in the staff and students’ sections are available for home issue.
X-ray library
Since body-imaging techniques have become increasingly important in diagnosis and treatment, students are introduced to Radiological Anatomy during the course. The X-ray library has collection of important radiographs arranged in boxes which are used for teaching.
Bone Library
A careful study of the bones of a particular part lays down a useful outline for the further study of the region. Osteology is perhaps best learnt by reading the details from the book with the specimens of the dried bone. With this in mind, dried bones are issued from the Bone Library to Students for study.

Majority of the lectures in Anatomy are conducted by making use of computer and digital projector, both of which are exclusive for the lecture hall. Beautiful pictures are projected from CDs using LCD projector.
It has excellent dry and wet specimens prepared over the years under the guidance of successive departmental heads, as also, specimens made by students and staff. The specimens are housed in various sections – Gross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Embryology, Sectional Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy.