IQAC Committee
AQAR Report 2022 2023
Activities conducted by IQAC
IQAC Minutes of Meetings
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Dr. Nitin Kulkarni
Dr Aarti Karnik
Prof & HOD, Biochemistry
Dr. Shailendra Patil
Prof, Orthopedics
Dr. R.V.Patil
Prof & HOD, ENT
Dr. A.W.Patil
Prof. &HOD, Pharmacology
Dr. M.S.Pawar
Senior Faculty
Dr. Kailash Gindodia
Prof., General Surgery
Dr. Usha Dandekar
Prof. , Anatomy
Mr. Sharad Desale
Parent Representative
Mr. Heramb Patil
Student council representative
Ms. Harpreet Kaur
Student council representative
Dr. Pranjali Shinde
Prof & HOD, Physiology
I/C NACC Steering Committee
Objectives of IQAC
1) Development and application of Quality benchmarks / parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Institution.
2) To promote measures for Institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through Internalization of quality culture and execution of best practices.
3) To identify strengths and weaknesses in the process and outcome of teaching and learning.
4) To improve healthy practices and overcome weaknesses.
5) To evolve a feedback mechanism and employ it for reforms and development.
6) To create intellectual atmosphere for the benefit of educational system at grass roots.
7) To prepare actions plans for academic sessions.
8) To bring overall efficiency in academic programs of the college.
Responsibilities of IQAC
1) Discussion on Academic calendar
2) Course and program objectives and its achievements
3) Assessing students performance and their competencies
4) Faculty development program
5) Feedback from stakeholders
6) Students support system
7) Ensuring quality research
The College / Academic Council, Medical Education Unit, Research Committee and Curriculum Committee was responsible for maintaining the quality of academic activities related to Undergraduate and Postgraduate before the formation of IQAC.
The academic calendar of the institution is finalized by the academic council based on the University academic calendar and inputs from the curriculum committee. IQAC periodically analyses the effective implementation of the academic calendar.
The course and programs objectives of each department are framed as per MCI and University norms. The fulfillments of the objectives are assessed by periodic evaluation of students through formative and summative assessment.
The student performance is assessed through periodic internal assessment examinations. The IQAC assures the quality of examination process by ensuring quality question papers and evaluation methodology.
Periodically faculty development programme is conducted in the institution with approval of medical education unit. The IQAC evaluates the quality of these programs and suggests recommendations.
Regular feedback is obtained from all the stakeholders through structured format. The IQAC analyses the feedback and submits the report to the academic council.
The student support system exists for academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The IQAC suggests and recommends methodology for effective implementation of student support system.
The institute has research and ethics committee to oversee quality research in the institute. The IQAC works in tandem with research and ethics committee of the institute to ensure ethical quality research.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell