6 5 2 certificate 2016
6 5 2 certificate 2017
6 5 2 certificate 2018
6 5 2 certificate 2019
6 5 2 certficate 2020
6 5 1 IQAC Minutes of meeting
6 4 2 link for Internal audit 1
6 1 1 Vision and mission
6 2 1 Strategic plan
6 1 1 link of achievement
6 4 2 Link for Audit report
6 4 2 audit report 3
6 4 2 audit report 3
6 4 2 audit report 2
6 4 2 audit report 1
6 3 1 list of beneficiaries
6 3 1 list of beneficiaries 2
6 3 1 list of beneficiaries 1
6 2 1 Minutes of Meeting
6 2 1 Strategic Plan
6 2 1
6 1 2 All Committee
6 3 5 format filled forms
6 3 5 appraisal system
6 3 1 policy document
6 3 1 doc 2 of beneficiaries
6 3 1 doc 1 of beneficiaries
6 3 1 any other additional information
6 2 2 screen shots interphase
6 2 2 policy for E governance
6 2 2 governance document
6 1 1 vision mission
6 1 1 list of acheivement
6 4 1 policy of Resources Mobilization
6 4 1 procedure of optimal resources mobilization
Criterion VI - Governance, Leadership and Management (100)
Key Indicator- 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership (10)
The Institution has clearly stated Vision and Mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
Describe the Vision and Mission of the Institution, nature of governance, perspective plans and stakeholders’ participation in the decision-making bodies highlighting the activities leading to Institutional excellence. Response to be provided within 500 words
Provide web link for:
- Vision and Mission documents approved by the College bodies
- Achievements which led to Institutional excellence
- Any other relevant information
Effective leadership is reflected in various Institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
Describe the organogram of the college management structure and its functioning system highlighting decentralised and participatory management and its outcomes in the Institutional governance within 500 words
Provide weblink to:
- Relevant information / documents
- Any other relevant information
Key Indicator- 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (10)
The Institutional has well defined organisational structure, Statutory Bodies/committees of the College with relevant rules, norms and guidelines along with Strategic Plan effectively deployed. Provide the write-up within 500 words
Provide web link to:
- Organisational structure
- Strategic Plan document(s)
- Minutes of the College Council/ other relevant bodies for deployment/ deliverables of the strategic plan
- Any other relevant information
Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation
- Academic Planning and Development
- Administration
- Finance and Accounts
- Student Admission and Support
- Examination
- Data template
- Institutional budget statements allocated for the heads of E_governanceimplementation
- e-Governance architecture document
- Screen shots of user interfaces
- Policy documents
- Any other relevant information
Key Indicator- 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies (30)
The Institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
Provide web link to:
- Policy document on the welfare measures
- List of beneficiaries of welfare measures
- Any other relevant document
Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years
Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year-wise during the last five years
Number of teachers provided with financial support
Data Requirement for the last five years: (As per Data Template)
- Name of the teacher
- Name of conference/ workshop attended for which financial support was provided
- Name of the professional body for which membership fee is provided
Percentage per year =
Average percentage =
- Details of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences, workshops etc. during the last five years (Data Template)
- Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
- List of teachers provided membership fee for professional bodies
- Receipts to be submitted
- Any other relevant information
Average number of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the Institution for teaching and non- teaching/technical staff during the last five years
(Continuing education programmes, entrepreneurship development programmes, Professional skill development programmes, Training programmes for administrative staff etc.,)
Total number of professional development /administrative training programmes organized by the Institution for teaching and non-teaching /technical staff year-wise during the last five years
Number of training programmes
Data Requirement for last five years: (As per Data Template)
- Title of the professional development Programme organised for teaching staff
- Title of the administrative raining Programme organised for non-teaching staff
- Dates (From- to)
- List of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the Institution during the last five years and the lists of participants who attended them (Data template)
- Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centers Verification of schedules of training programs
- Copy of circular/ brochure/report of training program self conducted program may also be considered
- Any other relevant information
Average percentage of teachers undergoing Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) including online programmes during the last five years (Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.)
Number of teachers who have undergone Faculty Development Programmes including online programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course and any other course year-wise during the last five years
Data Requirement for the last five years: (As per Data Template)
- Names of teachers who have undergone such programmes
- Title of the Programme
- Duration (From –to)
Percentage per year =
Average percentage =
- AQARs for the last five years
- Details of teachers who have attended FDPs during the last five years (Data Template)
- E-copy of the certificate of the program attended by teacher
- Days limits of program/course as prescribed by UGC/AICTE or Preferably Minimum one day programme conducted by recognised body/academic institution
- Any other relevant information
Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
Provide web link to:
- Performance Appraisal System
- Any other relevant information
Key Indicator- 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization (20)
Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources
Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources
- · The primary source of income of the college is tuition fees, hostel fees and mess fees collected from the students against academic and supportive services and medical fees from the patients for health care services, being rendered by the college & hospital.
- · Tuition fees from the students are determined by “Fees Regulatory Authority” a quasi-judiciary committee constituted by state Government of Maharashtra on yearly basis based on the cost analysis.
- · The fees charged for hospital services are highly subsidized, hence revenue generation from medical fees against hospital services are much less than expenditures incurred on the services. However ACPM Medical College & hospital caters to very under-privileged rural and tribal population as social commitment to quality health in the region and trained the young aspirants of the area for need of tomorrow.
- · The institution attempts to explore all possible avenues to enhance financial income making request/proposals for CSR funds of industries/philanthropists, voluntary donation or term loan from the bank to meet the deficient funds.
- · The college has formulated policy documents envisage methodology for optimum fund mobilisation and utilization
- · The dean office seeks annual requirement including up gradation of facilities from each department/section of the college and hospital with justification.
- · Requirements of the department are consolidated under plan and non-plan expenditures heads with financial budget estimates.
- · College council discuss the budget estimates and approve final budget allocation.
- · Central purchase committee meet as per the need and finalised quotation specifications and final purchase order to the suppliers after due negotiation of rates and specifications.
- · Annual stock verification of the stock is carried under the supervision of three faculty members and store department representatives to update the status of inventory.
- · Monthly income expenditure statement is prepared by the accounts department for strict monitoring of budget allocation.
- · All accounts and store inventory is subject to internal and external monitoring team designated by the Chartered Accountant consultants appointed by the College.
- · Operating expenses like salary, purchasing, interest payable, maintenance, statutory financial compliances, direct expenses are incurred from the tuition fees, hostel fees and hospital fees.
- · Approximate 20-25% funds are utilize for infrastructure and facility development.
Provide web link to:
- Resource mobilization policy document duly approved by College Council/other administrative bodies
- Procedures for optimal resource utilization
- Any other relevant information
6.4.2 QlM
Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly
Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the last five years with the mechanism for settling any audit objections within 500 words
Provide weblink to:
- Documents pertaining to internal and external audits year-wise for the last five years
- Any other relevant information
Funds / Grants received from government/non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists(INR in Lakhs) during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III)
TotalGrants received from government/non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Funds/grants received from government bodies (INR in Lakhs)
Funds/grants received from non-government bodies (INR in Lakhs)
- Audited statements of accounts for the last five years.
- Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received by respective agency as stated in metric
- Provide the budget extract of audited statement towards Grants received from Government / non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropist duly certified by charteredaccountant/ Finance Officer
- Information as per Data template
- Any other relevant information
Key Indicator- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)
Instituion has a streamlined Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism
Describe the Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism in the Institution and the activies of IQAC within 500 words
Provide web link to
- The structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
- Minutes of the IQAC meetings.
- Any other relevant information
Average percentage of teachers attending programs/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement in the last 5 years.
(Please exclude participations in Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) mentioned in metric 6.3.4)
Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five years
Number of Quality Improvement programs
Number of teachers who attended such programs
Percentage per year =
Average percentage =
- Details of programmes/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement attended by teachers year-wise during the last five years
- List of teachers who attended programmes/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement year-wise during the last five years
- Certificate of completion/participation in programs/ workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement
- Information as per Data Template
- Any other relevant information
The Institution adopts several Quality Assurance initiatives
The Institution has implemented the following QA initiatives :
- Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
- Feedback from stakeholder collected, analysed and report submitted to college management for improvements
- Organization of workshops, seminars, orientation on quality initiatives for teachers and administrative staff.
- Preparation of documents for accreditation bodies (NAAC, NBA, ISO, NIRF, NABH, NABL etc.,)
Upload :
- Information as per Data Template
- Annual report of the College
- Minutes of the IQAC meetings
- Copies of AQAR
- Report of the feedback from the stakeholders duly attested by the Board of Management
- Report of the workshops, seminars and orientation program
- Copies of the documents for accreditation
- Any other relevant information