Criterion VII Information

   7 2 1 any other information

   7 1 8 link for supporting doc

   7 1 9 code of conduct

   7 1 10 link for additional information

   7 1 1 link for Photos

   7 3 1 Any other information

   7 2 1 link for best practice

   7 3 link for institution distinctiveness

   7 1 8 upload 2

   7 1 8 upload 1

   7 1 7 Geotagged photos

   7 1 6 Geotagged Photos

   7 1 4 any other information

   7 1 4 Geotagged photos

   7 1 4 MOU Relevant document

   7 1 1 geotagged photographs

   7 1 2 any other relevant

   7 1 2 Action plan

   7 1 2 Specific facilities

   green audit report

   7 1 9 code of conduct

   7 1 3 installation Receipts

   7 1 3 alternate source of energy

   7 1 3 data template




Criterion 7- Institutional Values and Best Practices (100)



Key Indicator- 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities (50)







Gender Equality (10)




Total number of gender equity sensitization programmes organized by the Institution during the last five years  


Total number of gender equity sensitization programmes organized by the Institution year-wise during the last five years  








Number of gender equity sensitization programme organized







Data Requirement for last five years: (As per Data Template)

  • Title of the programmes
  • Duration (From-to)
  • Number of participants




  • List of gender equity sensitization programmes organized by the Institution year-wise (Data Template)
  • Copy of circular/brochure/ Report of the program
  • Extract of Annual report
  • Geotagged photographs of the events







Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years.


Describe gender equity & sensitization in curricular and co-curricular activities, facilities for women on campus within 500 words


Provide Web link to:

  • Annual gender sensitization action plan
  • Specific facilities provided for women in terms of 

a. Safety and security

b. Counselling

c. Common Rooms

d. Day care centre for young children


  • Any other relevant information 





Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability (10)






The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation devices


1. Solar energy                                                      Yes

2. Wheeling to the Grid 

3. Sensor based energy conservation                     Yes

4. Biogas plant

5. Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment  Yes








Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words)

  • Solid waste management
  • Liquid waste management
  • Biomedical waste management
  • E-waste management
  • Waste recycling system
  • Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management


Provide web link to:

  • Relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies
  • Geotagged photographs of the facilities
  • Any other relevant information






Water conservation facilities available in the Institution: 


1. Rain water harvesting 

2. Borewell /Open well recharge

3. Construction of tanks and bunds

4. Waste water recycling

5. Maintenance of water bodies and distribution system in the campus


Upload :

  • Geotagged photos / videos of the facilities 
  • Installation or maintenance reports of Water conservation facilities available in the Institution
  • Any other relevant information





Green campus initiatives of the Institution include:

1. Restricted entry of automobiles

2. Battery-powered vehicles

3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways

4. Ban on use of plastics

5. Landscaping with trees and plants 



  • Geotagged photos / videos of the facilities if available
  • Geotagged photo Code of conduct or visitor instruction displayed in the institution
  • Any other relevant information
  • Reports to be uploaded




Differently-abled (Divyangjan) friendliness (10)




The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment in the campus

  • Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to


  • Disabled-friendly washrooms
  • Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts
  • Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment
  • Provision for enquiry and information: Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material, screen reading  


  • Geo-tagged photographsof the facilities as per the claim of the institution
  • Any other relevant information
  • Data Template 
  • Relevant documents





Inclusion and Situatedness (10)









Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socio-economic and other diversities.Add a note on how the Institution has leveraged its location for the services of the community (within 500 words).


Provide Web link to:

  • Supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)
  • Any other relevant information/documents








Human Values and Professional Ethics (10)




Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers and academic and administrative staff including the Dean / Principal /Officials and support staff.


1. The Code of conduct is displayed on the website

2. There is a committee to monitor adherence to the code of conduct

3. Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students, teachers and the academic and administrative staff

4. Annual awareness programmes on the code of conduct are organized



  • Information about the committee composition, number of programmes organized etc., in support of the claims
  • Weblink of the code of conduct
  • Details of the monitoring committee of the code of conduct
  • Details of Programs on professional ethics and awareness programs
  • Any other relevant information




The Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals


Describe the efforts of the Institution in celebrating /organizing National and International commemorative days and events and festivals within 500 words



Key Indicator- 7.2 Best Practices (30)








Describe two Institutional Best Practices as per the NAAC format provided in the Manual

(Respond within 1000 words)

Provide web link to:

  • Best practices page in the Institutional web site
  • Any other relevant information








1. TitleofthePractice

Thistitleshouldcapturethe keywordsthatdescribethepractice.


2. Objectives ofthePractice

Whataretheobjectives/intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)?


3. TheContext

What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)?


4. ThePractice

Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?


5. EvidenceofSuccess

Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results. What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.


6. ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired

Please identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in about 150 words).


7 Notes (Optional)

Please add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best Practice in other Institutions (in about150 words).


Any other information regarding Institutional Values and Best Practices which the Institution would like to include.



Key Indicator- 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness (20)







Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 500 words


Provide web link to:

  • Appropriate web page in the institutional website
  • Any other relevant information